Everyone should have a Will, but it is even more important if you have children, you own property, you have savings, investments or insurance policies, or you own a business.
Time to take control over where your money is invested tax-efficiently
Each tax year, we are each given an annual Individual Savings Account (ISA) allowance. The ISA limit for 2016/17 is £15,240, rising to £20,000 in 2017/18. Anyone wishing to utilise their allowance should do so before the deadline at midnight on Wednesday 5 April 2017. The date marks the end of the 2016/17 tax year. It is a ‘use it or lose it’ allowance, meaning that if you don’t use all or part of it in one tax year, you cannot take that allowance over to the next year.
Cost of essentials is the most common perceived threat to over-55s
While the rising cost of essentials is the most common perceived threat to over-55s’ standard of living over the next five years, concerns over falling returns on savings have risen to the highest point in almost three years, Aviva’s latest Real Retirement Report reveals.
Unforeseen life events and circumstances can potentially impact your finances in a number of ways. We can help you to safeguard your wealth for future generations.
Yield on equities and corporate bonds look understandably attractive
People are living longer. Simple demographics mean that supplementary income is no longer a luxury – it’s a necessity. Meanwhile, interest rates are at historic lows – even before you take account of inflation. So, relative to cash, the yield on equities and corporate bonds looks understandably attractive.
Parents feel it is their responsibility to support their children
Despite footing the bill for further education, almost a quarter (23%) of parents worry that their children’s qualifications won’t be valuable in the workplace.
Slipping back into old habits after a salary increase
Workers have the best intentions to make the most of their saving potential when their salary increases, but they only consider doing this for up to a month before slipping back into old habits, according to research from YouGov.
We understand that no two people are alike and that each of us will have a unique set of objectives. As professional advisers, our starting point is therefore always to take the time to truly understand your goals and aspirations and to turn your vision into a reality that creates sustainable solutions for your aspirations.